We want quality content!

If you have a great long read – 1,200 to 4,500 words (the longer the more happy Google are), with images contact us and we will arrange for a posting. We want content that is PERSONAL, RELEVANT or HELPFUL for others. Stuff that amazes people. Captures their attention and keeps them in a read lock.

It can be your personal story, a business profile, a scientific story, a fiction – as long as it is clear it is fiction.

It can be you sharing your life lessons or business lessons.

An article about how you solved a common problem or overcame a tough period in your life.

For now, you can have your article posted for free and you are allowed to place TWO links in it. A relevant link to your site and if necessary a relevant link to another site. So far the links are no-follow but Google actually doesn’t care.

Professional company profiles also need passion and a story about why your company are special. (these articles won’t be free forever, but they are now).

Send your article to Article@thescreamsheet.com. We will read it!

Articles between 2,500 and 4,000 words rank best on Google.

People prefer content that’s honest and personal, written in a nonpassive, engaging language, and with a lot of describing adjectives. Or sensational – but you know… We don’t want sensation only because of sensation. We want a GREAT story!


What we are looking for:

We are looking for Passion, Success, Failures, Personal Growth, Originality, Specialities, Culture, Entrepreneurship, Psychology, Leadership, and Start-Ups. We want our readers to grow, learn and get inspired by your story. Stories from the bright side of life as well as from the dark side are welcome.

We prefer original photos. but if you use stock photos at least chose some that don’t look like stock photos and modify them if you can.

Write your article in small paragraphs and use headers naturally. You can see how it is done by reading some of our articles.


What are you waiting for?

Get your article posted for free NOW! Send them to us here: davince@thescreamsheet.com

We might introduce slight changes in the setup, but we won’t change the content of your article. Well maybe except for the header. But only if we think another header will do better. If you have a great keyword optimized and exciting header you win!





Our Heartfelt Gratitude goes to our friends, without whose help this wouldn’t have been possible.

David Holywood – Passion Blogist

Danny Da Vince – Administrator and Social Media Expert

Michael Hobbs – Search Engine Expert

Cynn Full Moon – Futurist

Ronnie Barkan – Social Media Expert

Dave Snyper – Action Man